Archive for March 2022

Playground Bullies, Putin and Ukraine   Leave a comment

The situation in Ukraine continues to deepen and casualties increase, daily, with now millions of refugees fleeing the country. In Britain 90,000 as I type this have offered their homes to refugees. 

It is of course an intense and complicated situation – nobody wants World War III.

We are always encouraged to stand up to bullies, whether it be in a playground or school or just in life in general.  Putin is a bully, simple as, and a dangerous one, and standing up to him could indeed start a world war.  He has now approached China to help and I hope that they do not get involved.  India also has been very quiet.  These superpowers need to use their positions in stopping Putin and his dream of going back to the U.S.S.R.


Images daily show the horrific truth.  Putin in Russia has been spreading fake news claiming he is simply protecting Russia from the West who are the aggressors, and many Russians are believing him.

Yesterday running through statistics from my social media accounts and website I saw that many of my followers are from Russian and the Ukraine, and in particular, Moscow!  How or why I have no idea but I welcome them, but I also plead with them through this blog to not believe Putin and his lies.  Innocent people are dying and as he gets more desperate to save face, as the invasion has not gone to plan, he now threatens chemical weapons or even nuclear missiles, as he gets closer to Poland too.

He obviously must be stopped, but the questions is how, without a world war?  Sanctions are a start but how far is the west going to let him go until they respond in force?  Where is the United Nations Peace corps?  Can they not at least go into Ukraine and help?

Ukraine’s hero, Zelenshy

There simply is no easy answer and the west must tread carefully but they must respond, but are we prepared for a world war?

Posted March 15, 2022 by Jon Johanson in Uncategorized